Monday, November 12, 2012

Grad Piece- Golden Orb Weaver

    My Grad piece; the Golden Orb Weaver. Fabricated in Sterling Silver and 18k yellow Gold, including a 33pt. Diamond, this piece pays tribute to the startling Golden Orb Weaver spider species. These spiders spin golden colored silk that can be harvested and used to weave tapestries. The brilliance and sheen that the silk possess is very similar to that of the 18k yellow Gold used within this metal piece. The pendant clips off to function as an object.
    It is intriguing to me as the artist to see people's reactions while I wear the piece. I often hear things like "I hate spiders, but I love your necklace!" and similar comments. This was my intent; to make the viewer see the beauty and intricacy found within the design of these creatures. A sub-species of this Nephila family was recorded at being 2.7" in body length (not including it's legs) and was able to catch and consume small birds. As large as they may be, they are considered as "Gentle Giants" as their bites are difficult to provoke and are not fatal to humans.
     I enjoy creating my pieces with insects that are often feared, even disgusted, or perhaps overlooked and simply misunderstood. It is my hope that perhaps in making these objects these creatures might earn a little more respect or at least some form of admiration.